Tips for Capturing Vivid Pet Photos

Pets can be an interesting subject to photograph. Pets, like human beings, have personalities of their own. By using a few techniques you can capture these personalities beautifully. Here are a few tips to get those perfect pet photos:

• Lighting:

Lighting is one of the most important factors involved in pet photography. Lighting can make or ruin your images. Try to avoid using flash. Flash causes unnatural harsh shadows on your pet and it might also scare the pet. Sometimes, pets might just close their eyes to avoid the flash just at the right moment. So, it is best to shoot in natural light.

Photo by José Luna

If using flash is unavoidable, then bounce the light off a wall or a ceiling.

• Camera Settings :

Use a fast shutter speed to be able to capture your pet’s fast movements. Also, use a wide aperture, this will keep the background blurred and will allow you to keep more focus solely on your subject.

• Keep the eyes sharp :

They say, “Eyes are the window to the soul”. It is important to keep eyes in focus in any kind of portrait photography and same is the case with pet photography.
Your pet’s eyes can be very expressive and focusing on the eyes can take your picture to another level.

• Get Down to their level :

It is rare that you get a good angle by shooting from above. Get down to their level. This way, you can get greater eye contact. It creates a feeling of intimacy and closeness. This method also gives more natural shots. Sit or lie on the floor to shoot from the pet’s eye-level or from below the eye-level.

• Background :

To give more emphasis to your pet, use a simple uncluttered background. Make sure that the color of your background compliments the color of your subject.

Photo by kenyin

• Capture the personality :

Make sure that your picture reflects the personality of your subject. It is important that you observe and know your subject well to be able to do this. Observe how it behaves to capture it’s individuality through the photograph.

Photo by Renedepaula

• Fill the frame :

Fill the frame with your pets face and fur. Close up shots of your pet will create really beautiful images. This requires you to get your camera closer to the pet, if it is not possible to get the camera close physically, zooming would help you achieve the same thing.

• The details :

The details are what make the picture, your pet’s paw, their ears or a little mark near the eye. It’s all about the details. Do not ignore them; they add beauty and character to your image.

• Experiment :

Shoot many pictures of your subject from various angles and perspectives. Approach the shoot in many ways, use props, if you want. This way you will have many pictures to choose from.

Photo by iDie

• Be Patient :

Patience is the key to good pet photography! Pets might take time to get used to the camera and by nature they are inquisitive, let them come near the camera.
Also, they are very unpredictable. Be patient and you will be able to get good shots. Always remember that not all the shots are going to be great in the first go, click many images and take your time.

These are a few tips which will help you in getting good images of your pet. Just keep in mind not to force your pet to pose in a certain way, let it do what it wants, this way you will have very natural looking photographs.

  1. Dipinmahajan
  2. Lipi
  3. Cmpershad
  4. Jeffrey Bennett

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